Thursday, November 20, 2014


The clarification of Cuban Missiles is an analysis and a great example n governmental-decision making studies.  Researchers studies brought three new theories at which investigators are supposed explain events. 1) Rational actor model. 2) The organizational behavior model. 3) The governmental politics model.  To explain his three new concepts researchers put in his work three questions and these are: What made Russia decide and bring offensive missiles in Cuba? What made the United States reply to it with a blockade? What made Russia pull back the missiles?

The rational actor model is clarified by the idea that governments are principal actors. Governments set rules, evaluates them, and keep in use the best of their interests. We have learned that interest is what an actor wants to accomplish over his political action.  Especially in international relations an actor has an interest in security that is to protect the country and its people from any attack.

John F. Kennedy, in 1961, said that the Soviet Union lied about having a great number of ballistic and nuclear missiles. In reply Nikita Khrushchev who was a leader of Russia in 1963 ordered ballistic missiles with a range of about 1000 km in a communist country like Cuba. Researchers saw it as a great opportunity to scare and maybe easily defeat Kennedy seeing and taking advantage of his disappointment to back up the Bay of Pigs attack.  In addition, President Kennedy and his Executive committee chose to blockade Cuba that is for Russia to back off believing that nuclear war brings destruction of both countries. Russia had no other option but obey the USA’s order by removing their nuclear missiles from Cuba.

We have different type of actors in our international community. In the story of Cuban missiles we see two states the USA and Russia (the administration of Kennedy and Russia). Kennedy of the USA and Nikita of Russia are individuals who signify political actors or better say crucial actors in their own rights. I have learned that actors are apprehended to require something called personal or collective security as an important goal to maintain power as well as dominate others for survival.  

Researchers’ theory of evolution and human aggressions explains human’s natural desire to battle for survival.  I see aggression a way of how a human act? According to researchers, it is a mixture of environment or other things. Humans to survive prevent a competitor from becoming powerful as well.  On the other hand evolution is understood of humans’ development on planet. Humans’ evolution is a method of change through time and” what we really are today? Researchers give lots of facts about living things have a very long history. 

Reading researchers’ theory on human aggression helps me apprehend Cuban missile and the USA’ policy very harmful to another state like Russia as a result the possibility of using military force to change it is an impact for the USA to show its superpower as well. The Hobbesian tradition describes international relations as a state of war of all against all, an arena of struggle in which each states is pitted against every other. Hobbes believes that humans are egotistic. This means that the weakest person can kill the strongest and vice versa for competition, material possessions, distrust, and power so that people keep on seeing each other aggressive to show their reputation as the USA showed  with Cuban missiles. Humans for centuries have found themselves in conflict and war over goods, power, and interests.  The USA saw ballistic missiles a great threat to its interests in the area. I see Cuban missiles a preventive war and an intention of USA from becoming stronger in the future.  

Moreover, a researcher named Richard Ned Lebow, explains cognition and stress as great factors in making personal decision. For example the USA’ decision on Cuban missiles by forcing Soviet to take away ballistic missiles from Cuba for the USA to pursue its policy and reinforce the safety of territory and its people as well.

Cognition explains that actors are unaware and aware of many things and shows their behavior and emotions. According to the word of theorists Janis and Mann stress can facilitate good decision making but only under circumstances so specific that they are not likely to recur very often. Decision-making is a critical thinking and a decision whether to act or pick a choice. The psychological perspective on decision-making appears to be the most relevant by virtue of the insights is offers into the causes and effects of misperception. Decision making is a lot of stress but it brings sometimes success for one actor and on the other hand failure for another one for example Russia.

In fact, the Cuban missiles can be explained the USA’s strong desire to misperceive relation with Russia and separation from each other. The USA’s misperception of Russia was nearby as imprecise as the Russian misperception of the U.S.A.  The stress is what forced the USA find itself fearful by Russia’s nuclear weapons in Cuba and therefore become aggressive to it.

Also, the Cuban missiles explain the emotional consequences as well allowing one actor to overpower for example the USA or dominate another actor like Russia. Actors do have to be aggressive to a point so that they can create a strategy to win for example the USA in Cuban missile. The theory of cognitive consistency concludes that actors are guided by a need of consistency and the motivation to evade conflict along with the desire to pursue glory as Cuban missiles.  

According to researchers the human mind is particularly adept at developing defenses against information or impulses that threaten the attainment of important goals or the personality structure itself.  In Cuban missiles for actors to be defensive is the refusal in believing and accepting the reality that nuclear weapons were places in Cuba and near the USA.  Being defensive is to lessen anxiety, and other forms linked with it.  Anxiety occurs from worst situation for example Cuban missiles and it is ego which eliminates it.

Lastly, according to researchers repression produces chronic anxiety, all or part of which is usually outside of conscious awareness. Actors use some type of defense tools whether they are conscious of unconscious such as repression which is an experience that they don’t have emotions towards it. For example Russia removed nuclear weapons from Cuba at being hopeless. Repression also is actors thought by eliminating conflict in our case the USA’s desire to eliminate conflict in Cuban missiles.

                                                                                   Ardiana Xhafa
                                                                                 U.S.A Journalist










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